An Independently Connected Network of Businesses in Mid Devon

Mid Devon Network Constitution

1 Name

1.1 The name of the organisation shall be Mid Devon Network (MDN).

2 Purpose

2.1 The Network is set up to be a not for profit unincorporated association which offers the opportunity for local business people in Mid Devon to meet, develop contacts, pass on referrals and improve their business practice.

2.2 The Network may raise funds to support local voluntary / community work.

3 Membership

3.1 Members shall include people who operate businesses in the Mid Devon area and the surrounds.

3.2 To join the MDN, applicants are invited to complete a joining form, which sets out their contact details, business name, principal activity, and a brief overview.

3.3 The Chairperson and Secretary will consider each application and, at their discretion, determine whether to grant membership.

3.4 With effect from 1 June 2022 the annual subscription fee for membership shall be £20 but this will be reviewed from time to time.

3.5 In return for membership each member will receive a members badge and web profile on the MDN website.

3.6 Members must inform the Secretary 48 hours before a breakfast meeting if they have booked a place but are no longer able to attend or if they are bringing a guest to the meeting.

4 Structure of Meetings

4.1 Members shall elect a Chairperson, Secretary, Club Treasurer and such other officers as are necessary for a 12 month term of office.

4.2 The MDN shall meet every two weeks, alternating between venues in Crediton and Tiverton on Wednesday mornings between 7.15am and 8.45am for breakfast, or at other times as arranged.

4.3 A simple majority shall be sufficient to decide all questions at meetings and if there is a tie the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.

4.4 In the absence of the Chairperson, the committee shall elect another member to conduct the meeting.

4.5 At least three members must be present at a meeting for a quorum if any decisions are to be made

5 Not for profit organisation

5.1 Each meeting will accrue a nominal float, which may be used by the MDN for administrative purchasing (receipt books, ledger, advertising, web hosting costs). The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the cash float, paying the venue and settling costs.

5.2 The MDN will decide how any surplus funds will be spent and whether any should be donated to charity.

6 Annual General Meeting

6.1 Once a year, usually in the month of June, an Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be called by the Secretary, to which all Members shall be invited.

6.2 The Chairperson/Secretary/Treasurer shall report on the previous year’s activities and the accounts. Fees and charges will be reviewed at the AGM.

7 Finance

7.1 The Club Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining records of income and expenditure.

7.2 The Club Treasurer shall be responsible for any funds generated by the MDN and any other money received or in their control.

7.3 With effect from 1 June 2022 the annual subscription fee for membership shall be £20 but this will be reviewed from time to time.

7.4 At present members pay £12 per meeting, to include their breakfast, but this will be reviewed from time to time.

7.5 The Chairperson/Secretary/Treasurer shall not incur any expenditure which cannot be met from funds under their control.

7.6 Any funds raised by the MDN shall be used for the purposes set out in section 2 above. No payments will be made to members except for authorised expenses incurred on behalf of the MDN. Receipts should be kept for all expenses.

7.7 The financial year shall be from 1 June to 31 May.

7.8 In the event of the MDN ceasing to operate any remaining funds shall be donated to the charity or charities supported by the MDN at that time and not to the Members.

8 Equipment

8.1 The Chairperson/Secretary are responsible for keeping an inventory of all property belonging to the Network.

9 History

9.1 The Mid Devon Network Constitution (“the MDN Constitution”) was originally approved by the founding members of the MDN at a meeting held on 12 May 2010.

9.2 The MDN Constitution was amended in July 2013 following changes agreed and approved at a meeting of Members on 5 June 2013.

9.3 The MDN Constitution was further amended on 20 April 2022 following changes agreed and approved at a meeting of Members on 20 April 2022.